Local Government Water & Environment Services

In the Water and Environment Sector, the adequacy of water and environment sector financing under UgIFT will be enhanced, building on the equitable allocation principles already established under development grants for rural water.

The latter involves expanding the district water sector development grant over the UgIFT period to:

i) reduce the number of sub-counties with safe water coverage below an agreed level, and
ii) increase the functionality of existing potable water supply sources.
The Water and Environment recurrent allocations will be increased, and the design of the grant strengthened to support environmental management functions.

At the central government level, the oversight of rural water supply will be strengthened, including financing and revitalizing of regional technical support teams.

For the environment functions, NEMA will be also involved in enhancing LG oversight.
At the district level, the management of district water supply services will be improved, using the management information system (MIS).

Districts and Municipalities will promote environmental management functions, initially focusing on the implementation of public investments, including water resources management and actions against deforestation.

MWE will also develop, together with LGs, MIS for use by districts in the management of water supply and sanitation, which are integrated with national databases such as the Water Atlas.

At the level of service delivery, actions will focus on strengthening the water supply at the sub-county level.
Resources will target sub-counties, where functional water supply coverage is below a specified level and target improving the functionality of existing rural water facilities countrywide.